
Intelligence Engineering Department


Domain of Knowledge
A Tek-Gnostics Lexicon



23 Enigma  twen•ty three enig•​ma (twen-tē - thrē - i-ˈnig-mə) - noun (phrase)

The 23 Enigma refers to the belief that an inordinate number of incidents, coincidences and synchronistic events are directly, mysteriously connected to the number 23. The number 23 is considered lucky, unlucky, sinister, and strange. American author Robert Anton Wilson cites William S. Burroughs as the first person to acknowledge or refer to the 23 enigma.

The 23 enigma serves as a "strange attractor" of synchronicities in one's life... especially after one is introduced to, or becomes aware of the enigma.


23 Skidoo!  twen•ty three ski•do ( twen-tē - thrē - ski-dü)  - noun/verb (phrase)  

American slang. It generally refers to leaving quickly, being forced to leave quickly by someone else, or taking advantage of a propitious opportunity to leave. ie: "Getting out while the getting's good!" 23 skidoo has been described as perhaps the first truly national fad expression and one of the most popular fad expressions to appear in the U.S. as a prototypical meme.


Abraxas a•brax•as (uh-brak-suh s) (Gk. ΑΒΡΑΞΑΣ, variant form Abrasax, ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ) - noun

Was a word of mystic meaning in the system of the Gnostic Basilides, being there applied to the "Great Archon" (Gk., megas archōn), the princeps of the 365 spheres (Gk., ouranoi). The word is found in Gnostic texts such as the Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit, and also appears in the Greek Magical Papyri. It was engraved on certain antique gemstones, called on that account Abraxas stones, which were used as amulets or charms. As the initial spelling on stones was 'Abrasax' (Αβρασαξ), the spelling of 'Abraxas' seen today probably originates in the confusion made between the Greek letters Sigma and Xi in the Latin transliteration. The seven letters spelling its name may represent each of the seven classic planets.

The word may be related to Abracadabra, although other explanations exist.


Aggregation ag•gre•ga•tion (a-gri-ˈgā-shən)  - noun

A group, body, or mass composed of many distinct parts or individuals. ie: A galaxy is an aggregation of stars and gas.

As used in Data aggregation: the compiling of information from databases with intent to prepare combined datasets for data processing. The source information for data aggregation may originate from public records and/or social media sources. The information is packaged into aggregate reports and then sold to corporations and governmental entities. This information can also be useful for marketing purposes.

The potential of the Internet to consolidate and manipulate information has a new application in data aggregation, also known as screen scraping.

Over time, the transfer of large amounts of data from the account provider to the aggregator's server could develop into a comprehensive profile of a user, detailing their banking and credit card transactions, balances, securities transactions and portfolios, travel history, on-line shopping and preferences. As the sensitivity to data protection considerations grows, it is likely there will be a considerable focus on the extent to which data aggregators may seek to use this data either for their own purposes or to share it on some basis with the operator of a website on which the service is offered or with other third parties.


Anima/Animus an•​i•​ma (a-nə-mə) / an•​i•​mus (a-nə-məs) - noun

In Jungian psychology: the Anima represents the unconscious, feminine aspect of a man. The Animus represents the unconscious, masculine aspect of a woman, both transcending the personal psyche. Per Jung, the anima and animus are the two primary anthropomorphic archetypes of the unconscious mind.


Anomaly a•nom•a•ly (ə-nŏm′ə-lē) - noun

Deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule. An incongruity or inconsistency. An anomalous person or thing... any number of phenomena that is peculiar, irregular, abnormal, or difficult to classify. An odd, peculiar, or strange condition, situation, or quality... especially of a paranormal nature.


Archetype ar•che•type (är-ki-ˌtīp) - noun

The original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype.

In Jungian psychology: a collectively-inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., that is universally present, within individual psyches.

A constantly recurring symbol or motif in literature, painting, or mythology (this usage of the term draws from both comparative anthropology and from Jungian archetypal theory). In various seemingly unrelated cases in classic storytelling, media, etc., characters or ideas sharing similar traits recur.


Archon ar•chon (ärˈkŏn) - noun

From the ancient Greek: ἄρχων arkhon; pl. ἄρχοντες word that means "petty ruler" "prince" or "lord," often used as the title of a specific public office... derived from the same root as monarch.

One of the nine principal magistrates of ancient Athens.

In Gnostic teachings, an archon is one of many servants of the Demiurge, the "creator god" that stand between the human race and a transcendent, unknowable God, that can only be reached through gnosis (intuitive knowledge).

plural: Archons were often portrayed as planetary rulers and guardians of the spiritual planes, associated with the seven visible planets. Perceived as agents of the Demiurge, archons were considered predatory beings who inhibit spiritual awakening by convincing humanity of a false reality, forces of sin and temptation.


American Archon - noun (phrase)

A contemporary idiom used to describe the "power elite" (French élite, from Latin eligere), a relatively small, loosely connected group of powerful people that control a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege or political power in American society. Also known as the 1% (as popularized by the "occupy movement") a privileged group of individuals who dominate American policy making. This group includes bureaucratic, corporate, military, and government elites who control the principal institutions in the United States and whose opinions and actions influence the decisions of policymakers.


Babylon Bandwidth - noun (phrase)

A term used to describe modern media, defined as the communications, entertainment and advertising industries. Typical usage of the term implies a coercive and powerful media triad that secures political favor through the power of the lobbying industry, which controls what increasingly has become a “reality television” form of government. Derived from Rastafarian usage describing capitalist, commercial values of the world, which they call "Babylon."


Consciousness con•scious•ness (kän-shəs-nəs)  - noun

The state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings, characterized by sensation, emotion, volition, and thought : mind. A person's awareness or perception of something, ie: the fact of awareness by the mind of itself and the world. In New Age vernacular, suggesting a transcendence of mundane human thought.


Conspiracy  con•spir•a•cy (kən-ˈspir-ə-sē) - noun

From the root word “Conspire” traces back to circa 1325 CE, from Middle English (Anglo-French): conspirer, from Latin: conspirare “to agree, unite or act in harmony… literally: to breathe together" (con- + spīrāre to breathe; see spirant, spirit). It was also originally harmonically associated with "to blow together" ie: musical instruments… "to sound in unison."

In contemporary vernacular, a conspiracy is an agreement between persons who intend to gain some collective advantage while keeping their agreement secret from the public or from other people affected by it. Depending on the circumstances, a conspiracy may also be a crime, or a civil wrong.


Conspiracy Culture Internationale  abbr. CCI - noun (phrase functioning as singular or plural)

Cultural  patterns and activities reflecting  an evolving contemporary mindset of mistrust and suspicion that is increasingly accepted by the general population.

A massive, diverse, globally intact phenomenon, composed of those adherents who subscribe to the multifaceted principles of High Strangeness. CCI embraces the seemingly divergent communities that monitor or adhere to not only conspiracy & deep state theory, but alt history, ancient alien & alien abduction narratives, PSI phenomena & the paranormal, psychedelia, the occult & new age philosophies, neo-religious beliefs, astrology & magick... even cyberpunk, transhumanism & singularity.

Conspiratainment con•spir•a•tain•ment (kən-ˈspir-ə-tān′-mənt) - noun

The highjacking, exploitation, and commercialization of traditional conspiracy theory by modern media platforms. Dramatics created by conflicting conspiracy theories... also, rifts that publicly divide sub-groups or factions, within certain conspiracy theories. Entertaining dialogue between conspiracy theorists and their followers (or detractors)... ie: "the anti-vaxxer movement provides plenty of conspiratainment!"


Demiurge demi•urge (de-mē-ˌərj) - noun

In the Platonic, Neopythagorean, Middle Platonic, and Neoplatonic schools of philosophy, the demiurge is an artisan-like figure responsible for the fashioning and maintenance of the physical universe. The term was adopted by the Gnostics. Although a fashioner, the demiurge is not necessarily the same as the creator figure in the monotheistic sense, because the demiurge itself and the material from which the demiurge fashions the universe are both considered to be consequences of something else. Depending on the system, they may be considered to be either uncreated and eternal, or considered to be the product of some higher entity.


Egrḗgoroi eg•re•goroi - noun

From the ancient Greek: ἐγρήγοροι "watchers" or "those who watch."

A collection of jinn who were once in servitude to God. These were the jinn (or fallen angels) described in Biblical apocrypha who mated with mortal women, giving rise to a race of hybrids known as the Nephilim, who are described as giants in Genesis 6:4. The Grigori went on to teach humans the secrets of Heaven, such as astrology, cosmotology, gemology, and weapon-smithing. Most sources say that there are two hundred Grigori but typically only name the leaders, the Chief of Tens. They are described as looking like large humans who never slept and usually remained silent.

related: Egregore is an occult concept representing a "thoughtform" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people. The symbiotic relationship between an egregore and its group has been compared to the more recent, non-occult concepts of the corporation (as a legal entity) and the meme.


Elohim e•lo•him (ĕlˌō-hēmˈ, -hĭmˈ, ə-lōˈhĭm) - noun

A name for God in the Hebrew Scriptures. (Hebrew: אֱלֹהִים) is a grammatically plural noun for "gods" or "Deity" in Biblical Hebrew. In the modern it is often times referred to in the singular despite the -im ending that denotes plural masculine nouns in Hebrew. It is generally thought that Elohim is a formation from eloah, the latter being an expanded form of the Northwest Semitic noun il (אֵל, ʾēl). The related nouns eloah (אלוה) and el (אֵל) are used as proper names or as generics, in which case they are interchangeable with elohim.


Entheogen en•the•o•gen (ĕn-thē′ō-jən) - noun

From Greek, literally meaning "generating the divine within," is any psychoactive substance, usually one derived from plants or fungi but also from the secretions of animals such as toads,  that induces a spiritual experience and is aimed at spiritual development. Traditionally ingested by a shaman or another participant in a ritual in order to produce visions or gain mystical insight. In the recent past, commonly called "hallucinogens," "psychedelics," "psychotomimetics," etc.


Fortean Fort•ean (fɔɹ.ti.ən/, /-ɾi.ən) - adj./noun

- adjective

A subject that pertains to anomalous phenomena, the unexplained, unknown, paranormal, supernatural, or other related field of high strangeness or fringe-think. A subject that is considered "Fortean" is one that cannot be explained through ordinary means.

- noun

A follower or admirer of American writer and investigator of anomalous phenomena: Charles Fort (1874–1932).
One who investigates anomalous phenomena.


Gnosis   gno•sis (nō-səs) - noun

Esoteric knowledge of spiritual truth held by the ancient Gnostics to be essential to salvation.


Gnosticism  gnos•ti•cism (nä-stə-ˌsi-zəm) - noun

From Ancient Greek: γνωστικός gnostikos, "having knowledge", from γνῶσις gnōsis, knowledge.

A modern name for a variety of ancient religious ideas, systems or cults, originating in Middle Eastern milieus, flourishing in the Mediterranean world of the first and second century AD. Based on their readings of the Torah, early Biblical  and other mystery cult writings, these systems induced that the material world is created by an emanation of the highest God, trapping the Divine spark within the human body. This Divine spark could be liberated by "gnosis" or secret knowledge of the Divine spark and it's origins.


Hacker  hack•er (ha-kər) - noun

One who hacks... A person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data. An enthusiastic and skillful computer programmer or user.


High Strangeness - noun (phrase)

(AKA: High Weirdness) A colloquialism used to describe a host of fringe and arcane topics such as UFOlogy, the occult, paranormal and new age philosophies, etc. pertaining to a sub-culture or group of peoples within contemporary culture that subscribe to, or participate in the examination of "weird culture." This sub-group differentiates itself from the parent culture to which it belongs, through the belief or advocacy of fringe topics or practices.


Intelligence Engineer - adj./noun (phrase)

An individual intelligence agent. One who uses conceptual artifacts such as written literature, in a digital context. As internet connectivity, bandwidth, archive size and computer speed all increase, we are experiencing the transformation of our very biosphere into a vast data processor, with a million times greater speed and with millions of human intelligent agents in direct participation. It is the individual intelligent agent, working consciously within the global nerve-net, that is considered an Intelligence Engineer.


Magick  mag•ick (ma-jik) - noun

A term used to differentiate the occult from stage magic. The Science and Art of causing change to occur in conformity with Will... including both "mundane" acts of will as well as ritual magic. The art of changing consciousness at will.


Meme (meem) - pronoun

A contagious information pattern that replicates by parasitically infecting human minds and altering their behavior, causing them to propagate the pattern (term coined by Dawkins... by analogy with "gene").

Individual slogans, catch-phrases, melodies, icons, inventions, and fashions are typical memes. An idea or information pattern is not a meme until it causes someone to replicate it, to repeat it to someone else. All transmitted knowledge is memetic.


Memetic(s) me•met•ic (miːˈmɛtɪk) - adjective

The study of, or relating to memes and their social effects.


Nephilim nephi•lim (nɛfɪˌlɪm)  - noun

The offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" in Genesis 6:4, or giants who inhabit Canaan in Numbers 13:33. A similar biblical Hebrew word with different vowel-sounds is used in Ezekiel 32:27 to refer to dead Philistine warriors.


Noösphere (nō-ə-sfir) - noun

Borrowed from French noosphère, from Greek noo-, combining form of nóos, contracted noûs "mind, intellect." Per Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, the sphere of human consciousness and mental activity especially in regard to its influence on the biosphere and in relation to evolution.


Paradigm par•a•digm (per-ə-ˌdīm , ˈpa-rə- also -ˌdim) - noun

A philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated. The Freudian paradigm of psychoanalysis; broadly: a philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind.


Paranormal  para•nor•mal (per-ə-ˈnȯr-məl) - adjective

Not scientifically explainable - supernatural. A variety of phenomena such as: ghosts, extraterrestrial life, psychic abilities or extrasensory perception and cryptids, described in popular culture, folk, and other non-scientific bodies of knowledge, whose existence within these contexts is described to lie beyond normal experience or scientific explanation.


Parapolitics para•pol•i•tics (per-ə-pŏl′ĭ-tĭks) - noun

Political science pertaining to covert political activity that is hidden from the public. Political actions of subterfuge, secrecy, and deceit... increasingly used in discussions on democracy to describe the behavior of the deep state (i.e. coalitions of institutions and corporations who operate above or outside of the elected government). A complete (de facto) political system, typically comprising elements of the military and intelligence apparatus, hidden from the public.


Psychedelia psy•che•del•ia (sahy-ki-del-yə) - noun

A modern (late 20th, early 21st century) subculture of those who have experienced psychedelic realities, in the tradition of and as experienced & observed by preceding entheogenic and shamanic cultures, world wide.  Often associated with modern psychoactive compounds such as LSD25 or MDMA.

The term is also used to describe a style of psychedelic artwork and psychedelic music. Psychedelic art and music typically try to recreate or reflect the experience of altered consciousness. Psychedelic art uses bright, neon colors, highly distorted and surreal visuals and full spectrum audio to evoke and convey to a viewer or listener the artist's experience of psychedelic realities, or to enhance the understanding of psychedelic experience.

Psychedelic music uses distorted electric guitar, Indian music elements such as the sitar, electronic effects, sound effects and reverberation, and elaborate studio effects, such as playing tapes backwards or panning the music from one side to another.


Psychedelic  psy•che•del•ic (sahy-ki-del-ik) - adj/noun

- adjective

A mental state characterized by a profound sense of intensified sensory perception, sometimes accompanied by severe perceptual distortion and hallucinations and by extreme feelings of euphoria.

Of, relating to, or noting any of various drugs producing this state, as LSD25, mescaline, or psilocybin.

Resembling, characteristic of, or reproducing images, sounds, or the like, experienced while in such a state:
psychedelic painting.

- noun

A psychedelic drug. A person who uses such a substance.


Psychonaut  psy•cho•naut (sī-kō-nät) - noun

A person who spends time exploring the universe right inside their own head. Usually through the practice of  yoga, meditation, or through the use of entheogenic compounds. 


Psychonautics  psy•cho•naut•ics (sī-kō-nät-tiks) - noun

"A sailor of the soul" Refers both to a methodology for describing and explaining the subjective effects of altered states of consciousness, especially an important subgroup called holotropic states, including those induced by meditation or mind-altering substances, and to a research cabal in which the researcher voluntarily immerses themselves into an altered mental state in order to explore the accompanying experiences.


Reality Tunnel  - noun (phrase)

Terminology coined by Timothy Leary & Robert Anton Wilson. A subconscious set of mental filters formed from beliefs and experiences, resulting in a uniquely subjective view of reality, per each individual. The idea does not imply that there is no objective truth... rather, our access to it is mediated through our senses, prior beliefs, taboos, and other non-objective factors. The belief system (world) each person occupies is said to be their reality tunnel. The term can also apply to groups of people united by beliefs: ie: fundamentalist Christian reality tunnel or Discordian reality tunnel, etc.

In the words of R A Wilson: "Reality is what you can get away with."


Synchronicity  syn•chro•nic•i•ty (siŋ-krə-ˈni-sə-tē ) - noun

The coincidental occurrence of events and especially psychic events (such as similar thoughts in widely separated persons or a mental image of an unexpected event before it happens) that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality - used especially in the psychology of C. G. Jung.

Meaningful coincidences, a-causal in nature.

The quality or fact of being synchronous.


Tek-Gnostics  tek•gnos•tics (tĕk nŏsˈtĭks) - adj./noun

A conceptual chameleon, Tek-Gnostics is at once a mythology, a revival of the ancient mysteries, a science fiction, a philosophic system and an aggregated esoteric information hub. Tek-Gnostics aggregates those earthling artifacts, technologies and bodies of knowledge that facilitate human consciousness and its interaction with universe.

The study of, or relating to Tek-Gnostics.

The balanced application of artifact (tek) and epiphany (gnostics).


Tekgnostic  tek•gnos•tic (tĕk nŏsˈtĭk) noun

An individual  practitioner,  neophyte (or master), an “experiencer” of the Tek-Gnostics system. A traveler of the tekgnostic path.


Xenoarchaeology xe•no•ar•chae•ol•o•gy (zē-nō-är-kē-ˈä-lə-jē) - noun

1. from the Greek xenos, which means "stranger, alien" and archaeology, "study of ancients."
2. study of past, archaic, alien or Ancient Astronaut cultures or artifacts.

A form of archaeology dealing with the potential existence of anciently occurring and/or extraterrestrial civilizations. Also considered a branch of xenology, the field is concerned with the study of material remains of past (but not necessarily extinct) alien or extra-terrestrial cultures. Evidence of such may be found on planets or satellites, in space, the asteroid belt, planetary orbit or Lagrangian points.


Zeitgeist  zeit•geist (tsīt-ˌgīst) - noun

From the Germanic, translated literally as "time mind" or "time spirit" the spirit of the age or spirit of the time, it is the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era. The dominant set of ideals and beliefs that motivate the actions of the members of a society in a particular period in time.