Tek-Gnostics Archives
Tek-Gnostics' Dead Sea Archives: Book of Mysteries (aka:
the book of secrets)
Book of Mysteries (also known as the Book of Secrets) is an
Essene text found in fragmentary form
among the Dead Sea Scrolls. The scroll fragments are given the
alpha-numeric designations of 1Q27 and 4Q299-301.
The Book of Mysteries is closely
related to another unnamed wisdom book found among the Dead Sea Scrolls,
variously called Sapiential Work or The Secret of the Way Things Are. In
both texts, the term “raz” occurs frequently. “Raz” means “mystery” or
“secret,” and is defined as a type of wisdom or knowledge that is known
by God and can only be known by humans by divine revelation (Harrington
2000:588-589). This word often occurs in the phrase “raz nihyeh” which
can be translated as “the secret of the way things
are.” (Wise, Abegg, and Cook 2005:109). The assumption
behind The Book of Mysteries is that revelation, not reason, is the key
to wisdom. The book is authored by an unnamed teacher who claims to be
the recipient of such a revelation and is passing it along to his
As with many of the Dead Sea
Scrolls, the question of who wrote the scrolls and when has no definite
answer. We can make an estimate, however, as to when the manuscripts
were copied. The copy of mystery text 1Q27 has been dated on
paelographic grounds to the end of the first century BCE, so the book is
at least that old (Larson 2000:587). Lawrence Schiffman believes that
the ideology, orthography, and language of the texts show that it
originates from the same circle as other sectarian works found among the
Dead Sea Scrolls (Larson 2000:588).
The tone of the writing reflects an
elite group which believes that it alone holds the correct understanding
of YHWH's plan for the universe and how to please Him so as to be saved
from the fate of the ignorant and hypocritical. Much of The Book of
Mysteries appears to be a teaching of correction against those who do
not live righteously in the author's eyes. They warn of the hypocrisy of
nations, the false knowledge of magicians, and the wrath of God upon
sinners. They especially warn against the fate of those who do not
recognize the divine mysteries...
But they did not know the secret
of the way things are nor did they understand the things of old and they
did not know what would come upon them, so they did not rescue
themselves by means of the secret of the way things are (1Q27; Wise,
Abegg, and Cook 2005:110).
eschatology of the book is rather unusual. The end time described by the
author does not manifest itself in the normal culmination of a battle,
judgment, or catastrophe, but rather as “a steady
increase of light, [through which] darkness is made to disappear or in
which iniquity dissolves and just as the smoke rising into the air
eventually dissipates” (Piper 1958:97). In this sense,
wisdom is an inevitable force that needs to be yielded to by those who
choose to accept it and are capable of understanding it. There is no
mention of angels, or YHWH's wrath, or resurrection of the wise, or any
of the typical Messianic language that we usually associate with
Judeo-Christian eschatological texts. It simply argues for a change in
focus from folly to wisdom, and therefore righteousness.
(source: Wikipedia)
The Book of Mysteries
1Q27, 4Q299-301
4Q301 F1
(...) I shall speak out freely, and I shall express my various
sayings among you (...) (.. those who would understand parables and
riddles, and those who would penetrate the origins of knowledge, along
with those who hold fast to the wonderful mysteries ...) (...) those who
walk in simplicity as well as those who are devious in every activity of
the deeds of humanity ...) those with a stiff neck, a hard pate, and all
the mass of the Gentiles, with (...)
4Q301 F2
the customs of the fool and the inheritance of the wise (...) Now
what good is the riddle to you, you who search for the origins of
knowledge? Why is the heart honored, for it is the dominion (...) a
parable? Why is it splendid to you, for it is (...) Why is a prince
(...) ruler? (...) without strength, and he dominates him with a whip
that cost nothing. Who could say (...) who among you seeks the presence
of Light and Illumination (...) the plan of memory without (...) (...)
by the angels of (...) (...) those who praise (...)
so that they would know the difference between good and
evil .....)
col 1
secrets of sin (...) but they did not know the secret of
the way things are nor did they understand the things of old
and they did not know what would come upon them, so they did
not rescue themselves without the secret of the way things
are. This shall be the sign that this shall come to pass :
when the sources of evil are shut up and wickedness is
banished in the presence of righteousness, as darkness in
the presence of light, or as smoke vanishes and is no more,
in the same way wickedness will vanish forever and
righteousness will be manifest like the sun. The world will
be made firm and all the adherents of the secrets of sin
shall be no more. True knowledge shall fill the world and
there will never be any more folly. This is all ready to
happen, it is a true oracle, and by this it shall be known
to you that it cannot be averted.
It is true that all the peoples reject evil, yet it
advances in all of them. It is true that truth is esteemed
in the utterances of all the nations - yet is there any
tongue or language that grasp it? What nation wants to be
oppressed by another that is stronger? Or who wants his
money to be stolen by a wicked man? Yet what nation is there
that has not oppressed its neighbor? Where is the people
that has not robbed the wealth of another ...
4Q299 F2 (+ 4Q300
F5) Col 2
what should we call a man who ... his) deeds (...) but every deed of
the righteous has been judged impure. And what shall we call man who
(... call no one on earth) wise or righteous, for it is not a human
possession (...) and not (...) (...wisdom is hidden) except for the
wisdom of cunning evil, and the schemes of Belial ...) a thing that
ought never to be done again, except (...) the command of his Maker ;
and what shall a man do and live? ... he who) has violated the command
of his Maker shall have his name erased from the mouth of all (...)
(...) So listen, you who hold fast to the wonderful secrets ...) of
eternity , and the plots behind every did, and the purpose of .... He
knows) every secret and stands behind very thought. He does every (...
the Lord of all) is He, from long ago He established it, and forever
(...) (...) the purpose of the origins he opened up to (...) (...) for
he tests His son, and gives as an inheritance (...) (...) every secret,
and he limits of every deed; and what (...) (...) the Gentiles, for He
created them and their deeds (...)
4Q300 F1 Col 2
Consider the soothsayers, those teachers of sin. Say the parable,
declare the riddle before we speak ; then you will know if you have
understood. (...) your foolishness, for the vision is sealed up from
you, and you have not properly understood the eternal mysteries and you
have not become wise in understanding (...) (...) for you have not properly understood the origin of Wisdom; but if you should
unseal the vision (...) (...) all your wisdom, for to you (...) Hear now
what wisdom is.
4Q299 F5
(...light)s of the stars for a memorial of His name ...)(...hidden)
things of the mysteries of Light and the ways of Darkness (...) (...)
the times of heat with the periods (of cold....) (... the breaking of
day) and the coming of night (...) (...) the origins of things (...).
4Q299 F8
(...) How can a man understand without knowledge or hearing? (...)
(...) He created insight for His children, by much wisdom He uncovered
our ears tat we may h(ear...) (...) He created insight for all those who
pursue true knowledge and (...) (...) all wisdom is from eternity; it
may not be changed (...) (...) He locked up behind the waters , so that
not (...) (...) the heaven above heaven (...)
4Q301 F3
(...) and He is well known for His patience, and might in His great
anger, and splendid (...) He in His numerous acts of mercy, and terrible
in His wrathful purposes, and honored (...) (...) and over the land He
made him a ruler, and God is honored among His Holy people, and splendid
among His chosen, yes , splendid (...) holy, great in the blessing of
(...) (...) their splendor and (...) when the Era of Wickedness is at an
end, and evil doing (...)
Further inquiries into the controversy surrounding the fate of the Dead Sea Scrolls may
be found
Information on subsequent publication of
non-biblical portions of the scrolls can be
Translations of other fragments can
be found
A virtual tour of the Qumran
archaeological site can be found