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Tek-Gnostics Archives
world wide web collection

version update: 6/1/20

This digital library archive acts as our main interface with third-party illuminated manuscripts. Great effort has gone into the accumulation of the materials and resources contained herein.  Each hyperlink below, leads to other wondrous data streams and information hubs, ad infinitum.  We have arranged the various departments of our lending library so that our students may easily find the information they desire. Our archives and databanks continue to grow, so check back often.

Unlike libraries of old, our collection delivers data streams through the medium of light. Old Earth books rely on reflected light to impart data... thus the need for reading lamps, book lights, etc. Utilizing luminous screens, such as computer monitors and cell phones, our library delivers data directly to your optical/nervous system through an integrated light source. Like the Tek-Gnostics Archives, our third-party recommendations use this technology to zap info directly into your brain... please enjoy the esoteric mind's eye candy.


Domain of knowledge - glossary of terms @ Tek-Gnostics

Library Collection by Department

Aggregated Strangeness
Aggregated Esoterica
Tek-Gnostics' information hub of syndicated strangeness and high weirdness..

Daily review of world news on unexplained mysteries and maverick science...

Watching the Watchmen...

Big Sync List
A BIG list of Synchronicity, Semiotic and Synchromysticism blogs and web sites...

World's greatest neurozine...

Daily Grail
Caveat lector! Exploring the fringes of science and history...

Synchromystic Pop Culture
Aggregated Synchromysticism...

Weird News Wire
Aggregated weirdness from HuffPost...



Bigtime Television Network 23
The network of high weirdness and low brow. Stay tuned, for some crazy shit is about to go down!

Broken Saints
First published in 2001, it is one of the earliest examples of a motion comic...

Aeon Byte Gnostic Wadio
Chronicling the God above gods, w/ Miguel Conner...

Virtual shenanigans from the British Isles...

Exploring the common ground that underlies many spiritual and philosophical traditions...

Higherside Chates
Your move, corporatocracy, your F#@kin move...

Tek-Gnostics Media
In association with Paxar Animation studios. Video snippets from the collective conscious...


Collective Conscious

Conscious Collective
Live a life that is harmonious and beneficial to the Earth and its inhabitants...

A social network of hope fiends and utopian pragmatists, of conscious collaboration...

Future Primitive
Human beings are experiencing a renaissance of awareness that is taking place as we dream it together...

Paranormal Societies
They do exist. Comprehensive directory...

Tek-Gnostics Blog
Tales of Wonder from the Collective Conscious...

The Venus Project
Beyond politics, poverty and war...



Culturejamming network...

Featuring RU Sirius... the best in accelerating technoculture & screaming memes.

Why we protest - Anonymous activism forum...


State of the art from n0where.net...

Beyond Cyberpunk!
Web version of the 1991 hypercard classic...

Beyond the Beyond
Edited by Bruce Sterling...

The Cyberpunk Project
A cyberspace well of files, online since 1994... 

Declaration of Independence
of cyberspace, by John Perry Barlow...

Laughing Squid
Intriguing art, culture & technology from around the web...

Mondo 2000
R U Sirius about this right now?...

Neon Dystopia
Cyberpunk content from across the web - news, interviews, reviews and analysis on films, games, books, music, and more...


Denizens of the Web

John Perry Barlow
Lyricist for the Grateful Dead, co-founder of the EFF...

Stewart Brand
Creator of the Whole Earth Catalog and founder of the Long Now Foundation...

Erik Davis
Author of: Techgnosis - Myth, Magic, and Mysticism in the Age of Information...

William Gibson
The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel...

Xeni Jardin
Co-editor of bOING bOING...

Jaron Lanier
"Who Owns the Future?" computer scientist, author & composer...

Doug Rushkoff
Human autonomy in a digital age...

R.U. Sirius
(aka: Ken Goffman) Steal this singularity...

Nixie Pixel
Net chick sez... talk nerdy to me...

Paco Nathan
Fringeware, Liber 118...


 Future Studies

Empowering the development of transformative technologies towards maximizing human potential...

Institute for the Future
Making the future with foresight...

Plausible Futures
Future studies community  based in Oslo, Norway...

 Singularity U
A catalyst for global change...

Walden Labs
Solutions for self-reliance...

Word Future Society
Passionate about the future...


High Weirdness

Decrypted Matrix
Truth seekers archive...

Reported and edited by Linda Moulton Howe...

Forbidden Knowledge TV
Daily videos from the edges of science...

John Lamb Lash. A path toward the future beyond history, a world free from enslavement to unexamined beliefs...

Mysterious Universe
Covering the strange, extraordinary, weird, and wonderful and everything in between...

Tracy R Twyman
There is more beyond...

New Dawn
The world's most unusual magazine. Ancient wisdom, new thinking, since 1991...

The Object Report
Unidentified news from around the world...

Open Minds
UFO investigations, news & evidence...

New ways of knowing...


Pirate Utopias
A map of the world which does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at...

Reality Sandwich
Evolving Consciousness, bite by bite...

Ultimate secrets of reality...

Tzolkin Cosmology
The art & science of time, change, synchronicity, human personality and interpersonal dynamics...

Unexplained Mysteries
News & forums of the unexplained...



All About the Occult
Discover the origins of occult practices and study where the power resides...

Aleister Crowley
Tantra & Sex Magick in  late Victorian England...

The Book of the Law
Every man and every woman is a star...

The Online Magick, Witchraft, and Spirituality Grimoire...

Hakim Bey
Black Magick as revolutionary action...

Introduction to Vodou
An Introduction to the Basic Beliefs of the Vodou (Voodoo) Religion...

Grand Lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientis...

Rune Soup
Chaos magic, phenomenology, stringent opinions... choose two...

Sacred Magick
Renowned library of the Occult, Esoteric, and Spiritual Knowledge...

Wake up and stay free...


Metaphysical Material

Metaphysical and science website...

Drunvalo Melchizedek
The flower of life, Merkaba, etc...

Scottish spiritual community and eco-village...

Hermetic Library
Esoteric writings...

International Metaphysical University...

The Keys of Enoch
A paraphysical "code-book". Humanity is connected to a higher evolutionary structure of universal intelligence...

L/L Research
Dedicated to discovering and sharing information for the spiritual advancement of all humankind...

Madame Blavatsky
& Theosophy...

Rudolf Steiner
& Anthroposophy...

The Template
Sacred geometry, sonic codes, awakening the light body matrix...

The Urantia Foundation
Seeding The Urantia Book and its teachings throughout the world...



Ancient Egypt
Information about the gods, goddesses and religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptian people...

Encyclopedia Mythica
On-line encyclopedia of mythology, folklore, and religion...

Joseph Campbell
Official Joseph Campbell Foundation Website...

Mythological & Archetypical Approaches
In Search of Cupid and Psyche: Myth and Legend in Children's Literature...

The Center for Story & Symbol
Psychology of fairy tales, mythic stories, creativity & movies as mythic imagination...

In Search of Myths & Heros
Four myths explored on PBS...


Political Science

Democracy Now!
Provides it's audience with access to people and perspectives rarely heard in the U.S. corporate-sponsored media...

Daily Kos
At once a news organization, community, and activist hub...

Left Foot Forward
The UK's premiere left-wing blog...

Michael Moore
If you see something... say something...

Southern Poverty Law Center
Monitoring Civil  Rights: Ain't no time to Hate!..

Follow the money in politics...

Nobody for President
Nobody is the best choice for President!...

Fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials and others who speak up in American politics...

United Nations
Yeah, that United Nations...

American Thinker
A.T. will blow you away with conservative opinion content...

Breitbart News
Alt-Right conservative news, social and political commentary…

Drudge Report
News aggregator on politics, entertainment, and current events as well as links to many columnists...

Global Guerrillas
Networked tribes, systems and disruption. Resilient Communities, decentralized platforms, and self-organizing futures...




A multi-disciplinary project devoted to the Spirit Vine Ayahuasca, and its home, the great forests of the Amazon...

Documenting the complex relationship between humans & psychoactives...

Heads News
Archive from Jesse Jarnow, author of: Heads - A Biography of Psychedelic America...

 Kesey & the Pranksters
Never trust a prankster...

The ultimate armchair guide...

Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies...

Psychedelic 60's Art
Graphic design history...

Psychedelic Adventures
Contemporary psychedelia, including shamanism, spirituality, extra-terrestrial, etc...

Psychedelic Library
Alas! the forbidden fruits were eaten...

Psychedelic Press
Publishes a range of books and journals that deal with the role of psychoactive substances in culture, science, and history...

A community-driven encyclopedia striving to formally document the field of psychonautics in a scientifically-grounded manner...

Timothy Leary
That rascally psychedelic trickster...

Wavy Gravy
A clown for our time...


Reference Material


Religious Studies

Church of the SubGenius
J. R. "BOB" Dobbs has entered this world... and he is gaining in slack and power every day...

Future of World Religions
From the Pew Research Center...

The Ghost Dance
Native American Church of Ghost Dancers...

and the Gnostic teachings...

God Checker
Your guide to the gods! Over 3000 Supreme Beings, Spirits & Demons examined...

The Gnosis of Philip K Dick
As told by the legendary R. Crumb...

The Gospel of Thomas
The scholars translation by S. Patterson & M. Meyer...

League of Spiritual Discovery
Founded by Timothy Leary in 1966, a religion with LSD as its holy sacrament...

Just the facts on the various answers that have been given to these questions, as well as the rituals and customs that go along with them...

Tibetan Book of the Dead
The after-death experiences on the Bardo Plane...

UFO Religions
List of Flying Saucer Cults from Wikipedia...



Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence...

Accelerating Intelligence...

Future of Life Institute
Research initiatives for safeguarding life and developing optimistic visions of the future...

Machine Intelligence Research Institute...

The 1993 NASA lecture by Vernor Vinge, inventor of the Singularity concept...

Singularity Hub
Science... technology... the future of Mankind...

Singularity U
Educate, inspire and empower leaders to apply exponential technologies to address humanity’s grand challenges...

Tyler is a hyper advanced communications system that lives in any embedded system with a networked connection...


Synchronicity & Synchromysticism

Carl Jung Resources
Online resource for the study of Carl Jung theories and methods of exploration of the unconscious...From "The Power of Flow" by Charlene Belitz and Meg Lundstrom...

Groupname for Grapejuice
Synchronicity meets Finnegans Wake...

Jung Lexicon
A primer of terms and concepts...

The Mask of God
Be careful... people in masks cannot be trusted...

The Secret Sun
From author Christopher Knowles, esoteric themes in pop culture and the media...

At Crystalinks...

Twilight Language
Hidden meanings and synchromystic connections via onomatology, the study of names and toponymy, the study of place names...

Understanding Synchronicity
The power of flow...

Mind control, deep politics, synchronicity. High weirdness in all its many forms...



Kundalini Research Institute
Training, research, publishing, resources...
Tantric Sex Magick
From Lucky Mojo. Karezza, Tantra, and Sex Magic...
Tibetan Tantric Tradition
Esoteric teachings of Tibetan Tantra...


Technical Material

The safe level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, measured in parts per million...

100 People
7 billion people share this planet. Picture this complex world simply - the world as 100 people...

Buckminster Fuller Institute...

Federal Debt Clock
And other such sobering statistics...

Flash Earth
Explore satellite & aerial imagery...

Solar winds, sun-spot activity, etc...

Satellite Flybys
Enter your zip code to find out what is going to fly over your area in the nights ahead...

From Dr. Jack Sarfatti... devoted to exploring and discussing successful human interstellar expansion...

Wayback Machine
IA's massive web archive, 279 billion web pages saved over time...

World statistics updated in real-time...


Visionaries of the Fringe

Electronic Frontier Foundation
Founded in 1990, the EFF is the leading nonprofit organization defending civil liberties in the digital world...

E=±mc²=Thé Ðëòxÿríßøñµçlëìç HÿÞêrdïmèñsîøñ
Pioneers of high weirdness on the web...

fUSION Anomaly
Internet artifact from another dimension...

Internet Archive
Non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites & more...

Mondo 2000
For many, the first glimpse of our Brave Noö Future...

Timothy Leary
Among other things, a cyber-pioneer...

The Well
Where it all Began... a gathering that's like none other...

Covering technology & the web since 1993...




Site Map

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Tek-Gnostics Heresies