Noö Net Tribes
world-wide web is arguably one of humanity's most ingenious
and ambitious creations to date. It is nothing less than a
vast working model of global consciousness. Each human with
the means (computer, tablet, mobile,
etc.) to connect to the
web becomes... in a sense... a single, autonomous neuron in the
mind of
Gaia... a sentient, connecting link in mother earth's
the incredible, creative potential each individual earthling
brings to this system, the possibilities for our global
consciousness are seemingly infinite. As this global
nerve-net becomes more complex and sophisticated, our
evolving technologies have accelerated in their
sophistication and complexity.
These networked
technologies are the "overt" components of our TEK.
Rudimentary tools such as mobile communications and social
media platforms, allow for human interaction on a global
scale. This permits the virtual gathering of Noö tribes,
based on shared interest, rather than ethnicity,
nationality or proximity. Since the early
BBS days of the internet, the proliferation of networked
tribes has grown exponentially.
Paranormal: the
New Normal
With that said, current
networked TEK merely addresses half of the equation of our
forays into the paranormal. Tek-Gnostics' iE system
additionally focuses on the perceptive, inner workings of
mental capacity and discernment. We explore and develop
mental technologies, both ancient and modern. The
application of such,
allows us to exercise and enhance our
ordinary mental capabilities. It allows us to build and
bolster our inner resources, to deepen our awareness as
individual intelligence agents.
history, there have been many individuals who possess
extra-ordinary capabilities. Up to this point, these
abilities have been viewed with fear and skepticism. In the
distant past, these abilities were considered magical or
mystical. More recently, these extra-ordinary human
faculties have been labeled… paranormal.
Taking the evolutionary
next step requires humanity to fully embrace these
capabilities that have traditionally been considered
paranormal by the general populace. In a world of globally
networked AI, what has heretofore been labeled paranormal
must become the "new normal." This understanding,
this new paradigm... is the inspiration and the mission of
the Tek-Gnostics website. The
"prime directive" of Tek-Gnostics... is to facilitate
humanity's critical next step. The resources housed within
our network shall prove invaluable along the path to the noö
Catastrophic Risk
Amidst this age of miracle and
wonder, a tech-driven eschatological angst insidiously
creeps into our collective consciousness...
It has been argued, by scientists, futurists
and those who consider such things, that
within thirty years we will have the technological means to
create superhuman artificial intelligence (AI). The concept
has been given the
title "Technological Singularity"
or simply...
The analogy to the black hole phenomena
the fact that predicting what the future might
look like after AI/human parity is... unpredictable. The
concern that has been raised by the above thinkers is
essentially that at the moment when our computing technology
(AI) surpasses our own intelligence capacity... at the
moment of singularity...
the human era will
come to a close.
are a variety of scenarios whereby the moment of singularity
comes about. The Tek-Gnostics mechanisms or matrices are
designed to synergistically participate in this process in a
way that is beneficial for humanity and
Gaia, our
home world. Our systems of tekgnosis
anticipate a singularity process that facilitates
as opposed to a strict AI scenario. Computer
networks and human-computer interfaces are more accessible
than Artificial Intelligence, and is something that is
proceeding very naturally, often not even recognized by the
majority of humanity for what it is... intelligence
amplification. But every time our ability to access
information and to communicate it to other humans is
improved, we have achieved a technologically assisted
augment over natural
certain amount of initial research is expected of the
aspiring Intelligence Engineer prior to
undertaking the
advanced coursework.
We provide resources in a variety of preliminary formats.
Below you
will find options leading to additional components
of the
Tek-Gnostic system.
Choose wisely, for it is in the
choosing that the unique path unfolds. The choice of which
facet of Matrix (or the Force as it is sometimes
referred) to pursue is essential in determining subsequent
study. It is in the interaction of Matrix & Tekgnostic that
insight is gained.
keeping with one of the Eight Tek-Gnostic
Prime Directives...
"Nothing is so sacred that it cannot be made fun of"
...we intend to proceed with a sense of adventure, absurdity
and irreverence. We acknowledge the essential nature of
universe as a grand
cosmic joke... that universe has a
wicked sense of humor. And why should it not be so? We ought
to enjoy our journey of discovery. And that is what
Intelligence Engineering is all about... having fun with
Data Streams