Tek-Gnostics Archives
Intelligence Engineering Department

Join the HEAD Revolution!


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Want to Contact higher intelligence? It's easy, really. The human brain is an "organ of adaptation" (Sigmund Freud). HEAD means Heretical Engineering and Development. Using your brain for fun and prophet. Efficiently, ecstatically, creatively. Contacting the Higher Intelligence within. That's what HEAD is all about. Having fun with your own HEAD. And getting smarter. For more information, please refer to the following programming manuals for the Human HEAD:

  1. "Core Teachings" of Tek-Gnostics - found within our Premium Membership sector.

  2. "Pop Future" - aggregating the collective conscious.

  3. "Consciousness Hacking" - advanced psychonautics...

  4. "Mind Magick" - We are all greater artists than we realize...

  5. "Memetic Engineering" - Life is hard, let us tell you what to think...

  6. "Octave Consciousness Grid" - Guide to the 8 brain model of consciousness...

  7. "The Law of Eights" - A field guide to the Noö Eight-Fold Path...

  8. "Cosmic Joke" - If you don't have a sense of humor... it's just not funny any more...


That's all there is to it. Read the Manuals. Learn to program your own HEAD space. Be the first Heretical Engineer on your block. And... Have fun with your new HEAD!

    This notice was inspired & adapted from the one appearing in "The Illuminati Papers" by Robert Anton Wilson


Suggested Reading

"Exo-Psychology" by Timothy Leary
"The Illuminati Papers" by Robert Anton Wilson
"Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer" by John Lilly, MD
"The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment
" by Thaddeus Golas"
"The Tek-Gnostics Heresies" by Jack Heart




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