Tek-Gnostics Archives
~ Jedi Academy ~
"The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's
an energy field created by all living things.
It surrounds us
and penetrates us.
It binds the galaxy together."
Obi Wan Kenobi
Padawan, to the Tek-Gnostics chapter Jedi
Academy. As in the more traditional Jedi system of learning found on
the planet Courasant, our temple pursues the
philosophy, principals and practices of traveling the path of the Jedi. Central
to the pursuit of these principals is the quest to bring
balance to the force by providing a counter-balance to
those elements of the force identified as
the dark side.
Integral to this pursuit is the Jedi art of
mindfulness and concentration. Just as Qui-Gon Jinn once
advised young Obi-Won, the Tek-Gnostic Padawan must keep
his/her attention... "here and now, where it belongs."
Where the Tek-Gnostic Academy diverges from the more
traditional Jedi teachings is in the apprenticeship system.
We do not emphasize the Padawan-Master dynamic. Rather, we focus
on the relationship between Padawan and the force.
This is our primary focus: Self and Force
observer and
earthling and universe. The genesis of
infinite universe, or that which cannot be named, is perfect.
The fabric of our universe or Matrix as it is
referred to in the ancient Tek-Gnostic texts, is necessarily
perfect. This qualifier exemplifies an essential Gnostic principle
that although universe was created out of perfection, the dualistic
universe we live in is not perfect. This is a defining theme in Gnostic thought. The
gods must be crazy. The result... the creating and sustaining nature of the force
in a eternal dance with the
destructive nature of the dark side of the force.
Ultimately... what concerns the Tek-Gnostics
chapter of the Jedi Academy is the balance of the force...
both light & dark... within. Balance and the cultivation of the
divine spark of the force within each Padawan. This divine
spark within... is the origin of each Padawan's essential authority.
A certain amount of initial research is
expected of the aspiring Tek-Gnostic Padawan. We provide resources in a variety of preliminary formats. Below
you will find options leading to components of the Tek-Gnostic Jedi system.
Choose wisely, for it is in the choosing that the unique path unfolds. The
choice of which facet of Matrix (or the Force as it is here referred)
to pursue is essential in determining subsequent study. It is in the
interaction of Force & Tek-Gnostic that insight is gained. In the words of
the Tek-Gnostic master, Obi Wan
May the force be with you...
Jedi Academy Resources
The Jedi Art of Mindfulness and
his mind on where he was, what he was doing..."
- Yoda
Luke Skywalker learned the art of mindful breathing on
his first visit to
Dagobah. While climbing up vines, dashing through the
undergrowth, leaping logs and rocks, the young Jedi pupil,
his master on his back, is being instructed on the dangers
of the dark side of the force. As Luke's mind races with a
thousand questions about the dark side, it is clear to
Master Yoda that Luke has lost touch with the here and now.
"Nothing more will I teach you today," Yoda says. "Clear
your mind of Questions."
Mindful breathing is simply the practice of
concentrating on the breath. With the inhalation, you know
that you are breathing in. With the exhalation, you know you
are breathing out. You follow the breath in with awareness
as it goes in, and you follow it as it goes out. You notice
that the breath is long or short when it is long or short.
With mindful breathing you just
notice the breath; you do
not try to hold it or force it; you do not alter its rhythm
or change its volume. Don't hold on to the idea that you
should breathe a certain way. Simply become aware of the way
your body naturally breathes.
As we focus on our breathing we discover that our mind
does not easily stay attuned to our breath, but flies off in
a million different directions. But through sustained effort
and practice, the podracer of our mind - once flying away
heedlessly - begins to slow down. We do not forcibly take
hold of the podracer's controls to bring about this
deceleration; rather it is with gentle mindfulness that the
frenetic machine is ever so subtly coaxed into a state of
Often we have concerns about a future event or
confusion about the way something works and our mind becomes
lost in a labyrinth of questions, doubts, and plans. Aware
of this tendency, Yoda stops Luke before he can become
bewildered, rather than empowered, by his education and
training. By directing Luke to clear his mind of questions,
Yoda is instructing the boy to come back to the present
moment - to return to his breath. Luke does as he is told
and almost instantly he is visibly calmer.
- from "The
Dharma of Star Wars" by Matthew Bortolin
Chosen One
"Fully defeated by
just anyone, the
dark side cannot be,
but only by the
Chosen One. And who
might be this Jedi?
Know I do not, but
not yet born is he
or she. This much,
sense I can. A
vessel of pure Force
the Chosen One will
be, more powerful
than any Jedi in
- Yoda
from the Great Holocron
The prophecy of the Chosen One was an
ancient Jedi legend that foretold the coming
of a being who would restore balance to the
Force. The idea of balance of the Force, a
central tenet of the Jedi Order, refers to
the ideal state in which the Force exists in
nature, i.e. as the light side. The presence
of the dark side corrupts and destroys this
natural balance, and the Jedi viewed it as
their duty to restore it.
Complete article here
Tek Resources
Bene Gesserit
Teachings from the Sisterhood...
Sci Fi as Sacred Text
Reviving a sense of relevance to the
sacred mythic tradition... |
Exegesis Tractates: Cryptica Scriptura of Philip K.
Dick as published in his classic novel, VALIS...
SMI²LE SM (Space Migration) + I² (intelligence
increase) + LE (Life extension)...
Pop Future Synchromysticism and the art of prediction
as gleaned from popular culture...
Station Tek-Gnostics space station & first stop
The Tek-Gnostics Jedi Academy's Headmaster,
known simply as "Sensei"
regular discourse on
the essential
Tek-Gnostic teachings,
as well as periodic commentary
on the state of human
affairs... at the following link...
Sensei's Chamber