symbols have triggered as much controversy in contemporary culture
as the “all seeing eye” within the triangle,
aka: the eye in the pyramid. The occult
symbolism of this enigmatic emblem has been a great catalyst for
philosophical, religious and political debate. Conspiracy theorists
(and sometimes religious intolerants) like to point to the "Eye in
the Pyramid" in the Great Seal of the United States and on the U. S.
Dollar Bill as being evidence of some vast conspiracy. In a
world where e-mail monitoring and mass telephone wire-taps have
given way to advanced facial recognition and global
video surveillance, the eye of "big brother" takes on new,
insidious meaning. Little wonder that conspiracy
speculation has moved out of the realm of fringe theory,
increasingly becoming a main-stream concept.
Over the years, the eye in the pyramid has
been attributed to such wildly diverse sects or cabals as the
Illuminati, Freemasons, the Founding Fathers, the Rosicrucians, the
Great White Brotherhood, Zionists, the World Bank, the NWO,
Luciferians and/or Satanists. Pardon the oversight if your favorite
conspiracy has been omitted, but you get the gist. The eye and pyramid has been
speculated to represent the Eye of Providence,
the Christian trinity, the third eye of Shiva, the Eye of God and so
on & on.
In ancient Egypt, the eye symbol was associated with
Eye of Horus or Ra. The Eye of Horus, within the Egyptian
cosmology, symbolized the eye of the person who has achieved
enlightenment through various incarnations and has learned the
mystery of God. Gnostic studies suggest that Horus is the same as
the Holy Spirit of Christianity, Shiva of Hinduism and Sangha of
This is why the Eye of Horus is the symbol of the mystery
schools of ancient Egypt, as disciples were taught to transcend the
duality of mind and understand contrasts simply as a way to reach
the truth. Interconnected with the Eye of Horus symbolism is that of
the pyramid. The pyramid is an important symbol in many different
cultures. Hindu tradition represented it with a simple triangle and
Celtic culture had a cone, but in every tradition the essence of the
pyramid is the same: the three attributes of God...
will, love &
intelligence. The journey
of the soul in search of light is represented by a pyramid, the top
of it being the final destination. This is why the All-Seeing Eye
appears at the top of a pyramid in Freemason symbolism.
In its most
positive sense the structure of the pyramid represents strength
and durability while the steps of the pyramid are an allegory
for the journey to enlightenment from the wide base, grounded in
earth to the unity of the single capstone that sits atop of, and
presides over, all the lower levels in an almost god-like
In a more
negative sense it represents hierarchy and power. A vast
majority of organizations use the pyramid model as their basic
structure with one
person at the top and a few directly
answerable to him/her. These few
in turn have a limited number
of people under their authority, and so on down the chain. This
principle also applies to knowledge, with the top of the pyramid
being privy to all information, the necessary parts of which are
passed down the ranks with each level only being provided with
the information needed to carry out their allotted tasks.
The symbolism
of the eye, as with all symbols, is open to much interpretation.
Possible origins of this (symbol) range from the third eye of
Hinduism and yoga to the Vesica Pisces. The earliest known use
of this symbol is the Egyptian 'Eye of Horus'. From a religious
point of view this can be interpreted as the enlightenment of
'seeing' things as they really are, in the context of the third
eye, or as a symbol of the gods watching over us, as with the
Eye of Horus.
In modern
society where God has been replaced with science and government
legislation takes the place of divine law, the all-seeing eye is
usually equated with authority and surveillance. This
interpretation can be seen in the logos of organizations such as
DARPA in the US (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency,
founders of the internet) and MI5 (British intelligence) to name
just a few. Both of these organizations could be considered the
all-seeing eye of their respective governments.
- from The Fool’s Philosophy

prime strategy of Tek-Gnostics is to adapt
and utilize technological and symbolic artifacts of value from all traditions for
purposes of self discovery/illumination. To that end, we have
incorporated the eye in the pyramid symbol within our cosmology to
represent an important creative concept: The spark of divinity
within all creation.